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Comments (5)

Carita - 21 January 17:47

Arrete mes images, hesites, craignons. Ici ne pas oublier penser, besoin simplement voir et d’apprecier le temps passe, qualite sexe je garantis!

Charles - 28 February 02:26

Dans ces conditions, peut-on croire que le justiciable a toujours la possibilité d'un semblable déplacement, entraînant des frais sérieux de voyage et de séjour? La justice devient l'apanage des riches, les classes moyennes en étant elles-mêmes écartées.

Bockover - 24 October 23:16

What about a video dedicated to lube itself? Searching on the channel only brings up related topics. A video covering all its uses, the variants you can get and when to use different types, and perhaps how to deal with living with parents and needing discreet solutions would probably be very useful to many people.

Emmaline - 27 November 16:57

best boobs

Ogiamien - 5 August 21:12

As an asexual person who follows these videos, I have to say I really appreciate you doing a video about us (that's what hooked me on this channel, the day I subscribed), and will say that what has kept me here is your wonderful way of explaining things and good stage presence. I don't participate in sex outside the non-penetrative BDSM realm, so to me this subject is a curiosity, it's a bit like studying the culture of sexual people, which I don't completely participate in, filling in that bit of the human experience that I'm missing.

Noemi. Age: 21
Eleanor. Age: 19
Astra. Age: 25