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Comments (9)

Douglass - 6 September 02:42

Souhaiter avec un grand plaisir passer temps societe delicieux beaute. Je suis toujours prete a aider se reposer.

Shelby - 7 September 11:55

Fin mai, le bourgmestre de Saint-Josse Emir Kir a décidé la fermeture d'environ quarante vitrines de prostitution sur sa commune. Pour des raisons de moralité publique et de préservation de la tranquillité, la coexistence avec les travailleuses du sexe ne serait plus possible dans un quartier où ont été inaugurés de nouveaux logements sociaux et une crèche.

Admin - 27 June 23:04


Claude - 20 July 16:25

that shit looks like a monkey

Ezzo - 15 November 10:12

Bitch gives a good blow job but before fucking her I would have rimmed her ass to drive her out of her mind.

Brimfield - 24 February 22:21

very hot wife liked it for her birthday also

Admin - 25 February 21:19

Dr. Doe, you are so wonderful and I really enjoy these videos. It's great to hear and learn about sex and relationships in an intellectual way that doesn't feel sterile and clinical. You're video on crushing has been my all time favorite and has helped me understand how I feel. I have even begun sharing that video with my friends who struggle with understanding their own crushes. I also share it with people that I do have crushes on as support in the event I'm not clear with what that actually means.

Romelia - 16 June 15:59

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