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Comments (8)

Calandra - 12 October 08:37

Nous pouvons toujours vous trouver putain au gout.

Schillaci - 20 December 08:17

Bonjour à tous et bienvenue sur nos pages pour y découvrir sans plus attendre la présentation de la solution pour Find The Phone.

Jonathon - 1 June 04:44

I didn't notice that it was toilet paper. I just kind of saw some white stuff and assumed it was functional. If someone is in a situation that could be embarrassing or a dangerous situation I always want to assist. In embarrassment type situations I tend to try a lot of non-verbal ques but in situations of danger I try to help. What usually gives me pause is the desire to not embarrass the other but in situations that I feel the person needs actual physical or mental help I may feel self conscious but I almost always help.

Higbee - 24 September 21:36

Are you a woman ?

Voelker - 21 May 03:47

Thanks so much for this video!

Kocaj - 5 September 10:26

Yeah, but I'm 14 and too scared to ask my parents to buy lube, what do I do?