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Comments (7)

Candie - 14 February 05:05

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Wm - 27 June 15:09

Chez nous Vous trouverez par vous-même meilleur putains Riksansar, douces comme le caramel.

Bessie - 27 February 02:32

This analogy works so well! It's a great way to make discussing this topic accessible to people who either haven't thought much about what consent actually is, or who have a totally false idea of what it is. Discussing in terms of tea will actually be more informative than using sexual examples. Props to Rockstar Dinosaur Pirate Princess! :)

Alexander - 19 July 04:07

You can't choose a gender! Are you retardet? Just because I feel like im a genious with an iq of 200 doesen't mean that i am one and that everyone have to treat me like one.

Booty - 6 June 07:05

hot video , thanks for sharing.

Lavelle - 21 May 07:54

Is this but I'm only 7