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Comments (4)

Stacy - 16 May 21:50

Je vous invite a passer des moments agreables et complices dans mon appartement prive et super discret, calme et plein d'amour, si vous souhaitez trouver une compagnie venez faire ma connaissance.

Galen - 27 December 04:50

Si vous cherchez une BDSM ou un sex massage, vous êtes au bon endroit. Profitez avec le prostituees plus de 18 ans.

Yasuko - 28 May 23:18

Because of this I think that an honest conversation on when and how hitting on someone is acceptable is important to have and I really appreciate Dr. Doe's effort to do so. However, I would like to criticise one point she made.

Steffanie - 5 November 13:27

me too, old black pussy, they love it

Wondoloski - 7 January 05:04

I was trying to explain consent to some girl friends tonight and they're like Oh if you get the guy excited you just have to have sex with him. If you don't you're just a cock-tease and should expect him to still have sex with you regardlesd.

Helmers - 20 December 04:04

я вас обеих хачю

Tonja - 9 September 09:55

Nicely the woman nicely giving company

Rider - 14 April 06:58

Gotta love all of the Nerd Fighter references.